Saturday, March 17, 2012


hey semua!! apa kabar? apik? sip lah hahaha.
btw, gua ngepost di sini cuma buat ngasih tau aja kalo gua bikin blog baru.
urlnya :
gua bikin lagi karena yang ini agak berantakan jd agak repot ngeberesinnya hehe.

tadinya gua pengennya full ngepost di blog yang itu, tapi setelah dipikir-pikir kayaknya bakal ganti-gantian.
jadi kadang gue ngepost di sini, kadang gua ngepost di situ, berhubung blog ini masih bisa di pake. mubazir, banyak memori juga dengan blog ini. dari jaman smp kalo gak salah ini blog haha.

oke, setelah gua makan malem, bakal ada postingan baru di blog selanjutnya. check it out yaa !!! :)

thanks all!! :D

March 17th, 2012
at Hudan's Room of Joy

Thursday, March 8, 2012

like it? blog it! (May 9th 2012, 01.50 PM)

hey there, it's me, a freak guy from the deepest place on the earth. yeah, i'm posting again, at a wrong time, wrong place, and wrong situation (again). and i'm downloading a movie named "Shoot'em Up". a movie that should be very good, since they who have commented said that it's great. well, let's move up to the next paragraph.

well, i don't know where to start. there are so many great things happened lately in my life.

first, i've found a good blogger, no, a very good blogger whom her existance is very close to me,but neither i or her have known each other. i found her blog when i search my school's logo at google, and i thought there would be my school's logo in someone's blog (especially,from people who study at the same school as mine). well, i read some of her posts on her blog and it's good. it's simple, but looks clever, attractive and somehow motivating. And that's the reason i try to post again. i won't tell her name, or her blog link, but i've followed her and i wish i could know more about her. kalo gua beruntung, mungkin kali ini, dia orang yang tepat buat gua hehehehe. #modus :p
but that's not really important. i just want to have more friends and relations, especially, a person who has different view on life. her post looked different for me, but i wish she is what she wrote. :)
i can tell you, that's a very good blogger for you :D

second, my group's building miniature for "Arts and Cultures" subject was a success! everyone liked it, and our teachers said that it was good, even one of them said she was speechless,well because that was very good :D
the building was called "The IddoStudio Building". it was designed by one of my bestfriend, Iddo Noveristo Devara (twitter: @iddosync). The idea of making this building are : first, iddo has the most interesting design in my group. second, he really wanted to design his future office,more precisely, his production house's office. well, he has made a small production house called "IddoStudio" (and i'm so proud of becoming one of his supporters, and his partner for growing this small PH :D ). IddoStudio can be found at Facebook and Google. you can find IddoStudio's community in group and page on Facebook, and you can also find on google. but lately, he chose to changed his blog site. it's now . IddoStudio menyediakan banyak jasa di bidang multimedia seperti photoediting, videoediting, photostock, etc. but you can still negotiate the price with the founder, Iddo itself.
waduh. jadi promosi nih gua kayaknya hahah. gapapalah, promosi temen dan kerjaan sendiri :p

third, my band start to write a song. the last time we had a rehearsal, we still haven't improved significantly, but we were trying to cover JessieJ's song and make a medley with Jason Mraz's "i'm Yours". and that's good, since we usually play the same song every rehearsal. and after the rehearsal, we all sat together in the cafetaria, and i showed them 2 sentences of a lyric i was trying to make. well, it turned out to be 3 guys, arguing good quotes and good sentences to make a lyric. it was good, even fantastic. we're just like a pre-mature baby who has to grows up with the reason of survival. we are still evolving. slow but sure, "Get Worry Soon" (my band's name), will rock your life, soon. :p

hmm, satu yang gua sangat sesali adalah bertambahnya minus di mata gua, khususnya di mata kanan. mata kanan gua minusnya 6,00 dan mata kiri gua minus 5,25. men, lensa kacamata gua tebel beuds kayaknyeee. frame full frame sama lensanya masih tebelan lensanya. -_-
and yap, saya juga telah menggunakan frame kaca mata full frame. tadinya pengen yang gede gitu kayak Dochi "PWG", tapi berhubung dirumah udah punya yang mirip kayak gitu (cuma nyelip gatau kemana), dan ukurannya kurang cocok sama muka gua yang terlalu imut ini *hooooeeeeekkk cuiiih* #muntadarah (ga muat karena ternyata lebih gede ternyata dari kacamata sebelumnya)

udah ah, segitu dulu, ngantuk oy! heheh . bye, see you on the next post :p

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Long Time No Blog! it's 01.05 AM on March 5th 2012 right now!

yeah, my last post sucks. since she stopped blogging (or take a break, idk either) and even deleted her latest post, i suddenly stopped too.

but here i am! posting a worthless blog at a wrong time and a wrong condition. well, i'm now a super-duper-sucker-twelveth grader at Senior High, and tomorrow will be my last "practice exams week" at Senior High. and in a week, i'll have my "last school exams week". and after that, in a month, i'll have "national exams week".

when i pass it through, half of my problem will fly high to the sky, but still there's one more thing to do : The "SNMPTN" (Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri), it's a national test from the state to enter one of the state's universities we choose. it's crucial for every twelveth grader, especially the ones with the intention to go to the state universities. but why's that so crucial? why's that so important?

well, in this lovely country called Indonesia, i think more than 90% corporations and industries in this country approved people whom are ex-colleger from the state universities. they said, the state universities is more qualified, more guaranteed, more and more and more. and more importantly, because most of the state's universities was made since a long time ago, even
since Indonesia was still colonized by the Dutch, like ITB, so their ex-colleger will have more and more connection to get a good job, yeah, not just a job, but a "good job".

in other hand, they said the state's is way cheaper then private's. but it was a few years ago. well,right now, some of the state's are expensive, but sometimes it's still cheaper than the private's, and the "good connection" things makes the state's positive sides.

but it's such a waste. why? because there are still the talented ones, but choose the private's universities for many reasons. and it can kill that kind of great person.

well, by knowing those facts, i should've done my artwork for tomorrow's art exam. but i'm still blogging hahaha. -_-

kids don't like this or even try this at home. try it in another place haha -_-v

well, things have changed for me. like i was having a good time with my ex last 2 or 3 months, but now we're ex-es again haha -___-
now i'm single!! xD
(and what? nobody likes you either, dan. stop dreaming of having Selena Gomez as your wife! you are not even better than Bieber's foot-toes! hahaha)
*okay that crazy sentences in my mind is sucks,i know it's "lebay" and "super jayus" -__-v

and in my few last post, i was in a band called Loco Amigo. Right now, Loco Amigo's on a break time because of all the personels were the 12th graders. Now, i'm making a new band with one of @GreenDayIndo's admin, Rasyid Ridho (twitter : @rasyidridhooo), and his friend from the primary school, Fuad Muhammad (twitter : @fuaaaadss).

I was a guitarist and a vocalist when i was in Loco Amigo. now,that position is Rasyid's place and i'll be the second singer/a backing-vocalist and a bass-guitarist. Fuad will be the drummer. 'cause we are a Punk band influenced most by Blink 182 and Green Day, here we are, only the three of us! from the very first time we do rehearsal, i could tell that this is one of the best band i ever made in my life. i mean, seriously, we're into it from the very first time. even we are feeling the same thing that it's not like we are a new band that is born in January 10th 2012.

but well,it's true that we're still a new band. there's one reason : we don't have our own original songs yet. i showed my song to Fuad and Rasyid and (i think) they said it was good for our first song then suddenly came the first problem. the fact is we're not in the same school and neighboors, and my school and home is the furthest than anyone in the band. and our activity,like my extra lessons,or Fuad's group assignment that made us less training our ability and our music at home. more and more,
i am the only science-12th grader in the house, while Fuad and Rasyid are still the 11th graders,our school and home and our activity sometimes turn us apart. We're not really improving these days, thankfully they felt that too.

but since i am a 12th grader, from this day, i'm gonna take a "short break", and maybe, we'll not be able to improve unless i've passed the Nat-Exams and SNMPTN. well, it was a relief that they said they won't replace me permanently. they'll only have an aditional member to replace me in my "short break". and after all these "problems" of my life, our song will be on everyone ears.
Amin! hahaha :p

OMG!! what time is it?! i should out from now. i wish they didn't see me still awake up here and kill me. and i hope for a better tomorrows for this world.

iseng : hahahaha parah ye gue,nekat banget besok mau bangun pagi dan ujian praktek malah belom tidur. udeh udeh, kemaren Arsenal abis menang dan tadi timnas U-21 Indonesia juga menang dan semoga menang terus sampe kiamat hahaha. walopun ada Spurs-MU yang super seru, tapi saya adalah seorang Gooner dan sekali Gooner tetap Gooner sampe mati hahah :p

oya, 1 lagi perubahan di hidup gua, gua ga pake BB lagi (at least, at the moment) soalnya ilang pas abis ngeband. asyul emang. untung gua ga suka bikin video "aril" hahaha LOL :p

dan gua baru aje pake frame baru. dan menurut gua ini kece. tapi gacocok sama tampang gua kayaknya yah. jadi kayak alay hix hix T_T #teruskenapa #abaikan

haha just a bit bilingual biar kelihatan (sedikit) kece dan nunjukin kalo gua orang indonesia yang suka asal ngomong. you gabisa predict me pas I lagi english mode, because beda beeuuddsss sama bahasa mode. hehehe

okay then keep kece aja deh buat yang baca walopun mustail ada yg mau baca hehe~
:D :beer:

Friday, October 14, 2011

unimpotent, eh, unimportant...

gatau kenapa gua merasa ada yang salah... salah aja gitu...
apa ini nyata? atau hanya ilusi?
yang jelas gua pengen pergi ke tempat yang menjadi hidup (jiwa) gua
diatas panggung yang bernamakan dunia
melantunkan lagu kebenaran dan kedamaian
walaupun gua tau, sebenernya hampir gaada yang bener ataupun damai di dunia
bahkan yang nulis post ini

semua yang gua rasain di sini beneran "sesuatu"
ada yang baik ada yang buruk
tapi sebenernya apa itu baik dan buruk?
semua itu terasa kosong, hampa
buruk jadi baik, baik jadi buruk
tapi kenapa kadang kerasa gak adil ketika ada hal yang kayak gitu
apa semua hanya bisa dinilai dari 2 kata itu?

eniwei, gua kayaknya gua udah harus mulai nyerah ya buat lu
mungkin buat kebahagiaan lu juga
gua udah ngerusak "calon" kebahagiaan lu, mungkin ini setimpal dengan apa yang gua lakuin
yah, emang gua ga guna, mau diapain juga
2 orang yang harusnya pacaran malah gua bikin ga deket
apa sih yang gua bisa sebenernya?
gua pengen ngebahagiain lu pake cara gua, tapi lu gamau nerima cara gua
kalo gua biarin itu lewat gitu aja, gua terkesan "gak bertanggung jawab"
jadi apa yang harus gua lakukan?

ini masih pagi ya tolong... -_-
masa udah galau jam segini, sampe bikin tulisan ga jelas kayak gini
gausah baca post yang ini yaaaaa.... *telatngasihtau* -_-v

Monday, September 26, 2011

Wasting my sleeping time

hey there, what’s up? feeling great?

well, the fact is, I’m blogless. so random this time.

I just read some of Aya’s blog and um… I think it was just great. I’m kinda inspirated but I don’t know how to show it, or express it. yeah, it’s soooo me…-,-

anyway, the euphoria of Loco Amigo’s First Gig is still in my head. the atmosphere just make me want to be on the stage again. you know, it’s like the stage is where I belong. well, it really got my nerves, but when everyone looks at you, I think it’s like everyone searches for only two things : “how good” and “how bad”. and when I’m on the stage, I feel like I have to show them “how good” I am. but, you see, the “how bad” part is always there, decreasing the good points, and the feeling of “defeating” these “bad things” was just like what I was searching for. you know the phrase, “the real enemy is within yourself” or “to defeat your enemies, you have to defeat yourselves” or something. Defeating myself, knowing my weaknesses and decrease it, knowing my abilities and improve it, search for every single little chance to break through “the wall”, it’s just sooo me.

BUT, what I was thinking is, why is that kind of feeling only come when I was on the stage? why is it only come when I play some music or entertain people? why is it only come when I got that kind of euphoria? why is it not come when I study subjects like chemistry, physics, or something?

hey, I do really want to be a musician, but my parents told me to be “better” than that. but I still can hold it as a hobby. but if I kinda make “musician” as the priority of my life, my parents are gonna kill me for sure. –,-

but yeah, when I was seeing Aya’s blog, it’s like she really want a succeded man to be her future-husband. and… it’s like 180 degrees out of my own…. “specifications”…. and it’s sounds like a perfectionist handsome rich working guy…. and she’s absolutely out of my league…. she won’t marry a guy like me… she even rejected me to be her boyfriend… and that’s quite “something”….. hmm, forget it, this is only the outpouring of my heart… (a bit google-translated –,-)

ah, I forgot to tell Asa to give me the copy of the first gig’s photos and video in a flashdisk. I’ll BBM her, and I’m going to sleep. good bye lads.

see you soon~ Open-mouthed smile

Hudan out…

~krrssssssskkk~ *radio off*